Harry Potter Made $159 M Since Wednesday

Well, it was successful but not as successful as some had hoped for.

Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince has made a whopping $159.7 million since Wednesday. While that’s super duper successful, it’s only $20 million more than Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix (Holy cow, they need to come out with shorter titles). So while the movie debuted to record numbers, it seems to have leveled out during the weekend. Still, well done muggles.


Don’t get me wrong, these are dynamite numbers. However, it doesn’t look like Harry Potter can overcome the mammoth numbers of Transformers. Which is a shame, because the new Harry Potter movie is a million times better than the new Transformers movie — and I haven’t even seen the new Harry Potter movie!

The film has also earned $237 million in international markets so it’s off to a crackerjack start. Will it end up being the biggest Harry Potter film yet? That’s very possible but only time will tell.