A 5.1 earthquake has struck 17 miles NW of Fairview, Oklahoma.

No immediate reports of damage or injuries have yet emerged from the area.


5.1 earthquake Fairview Oklahoma

Geographic coordinates: 36.472N,  98.681W
Magnitude: 5.1
Depth: 1 km
Universal Time (UTC): 13 Feb 2016  17:07:07
Time near the Epicenter: 13 Feb 2016  11:07:07
Local standard time in your area: 13 Feb 2016  17:07:07
Location with respect to nearby cities:
28 km (17 mi) NW of Fairview, Oklahoma
63 km (39 mi) E of Woodward, Oklahoma

5.1 earthquake Fairview Oklahoma 2
72 km (44 mi) W of Enid, Oklahoma
104 km (64 mi) N of Weatherford, Oklahoma
153 km (94 mi) NW of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

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