Simon Cowell Your American Ignorant


It must be nice, while people all over the word suffer with a variety of troubles, chaps like American Idol’s Simon Cowell are driving Million dollar cars, introducing Cowell’s $1,000,000.00, 240 MPH, Bugatti Veyron.


Sure Cowell has the money, and mostly thanks to our patronage of TV shows like American Idol and XFactor, however, is it not a bit, well, obscene to be this flashy in these times? I admit this is a bit of sour grapes as I try and figure out how to pay the gas bill this week, however, I am also thinking about other everyday folks also suffering with money problems and how this type of excess must make them feel.

Hey Cowell, go take a bath in champaign in the privacy of your own mansion, use 100 dollar bills to wipe your ass, I mean, light the fire place, buy your dog a condo, whatever, just stop rubbing in all of us little people’s faces…