Heidi and Spencer need to make up their minds


For the love of God, Heidi and Spencer.  You two are getting (more) annoying.


Us Magazine is now reporting that the unholy couple are wanting to come back to I’m A Celebrity…Get Me Out Of Here.  That’s right, after leaving, then coming back, then leaving for reals, they want to return.

Spencer tweeted this earlier tonight:

I am praying to Jesus to have NBC forgive me and allow Speidi back! The jungle makes you do crazy things especially IAC

Yeah, I’m sure Jesus is really concerned about this.  Later, Pratt followed up with this:

The devil fooled speidi [sic] in to making an awful decision and we are praying to Jesus to get NBC to give us another shot to redeem

He even asked Miley Cyrus to pray for their return.

A small part of me wants them to return for the entertainment value but a larger part of me wants them to drive into the ocean.