What the hell is wrong with Justin Bieber? He is acting like such a dick these days! Proof he actually reads all of the dirt we write on his ass! BUT – when he does something good we also report on that! HOWEVER, he didn’t do anything good by basically calling an already down-and-out Lindsay Lohan — “a loser” on Instagram…



TMZ says Bieber went on an Instagram rant, complaining that he’s getting unfairly skewered in the media. At the end, he said, “…to those comparing me to Lindsay Lohan look at her 2012 tax statements :).” In other words, Lindsay’s not in his league because she’s a loser who’s in debt. Bieber tells TMZ … “My post was only up for a few minutes but I realized right away that what I said at the end was wrong and distracted from what I was trying to say.” Bieber goes on: “I immediately deleted it and rewrote it so it would show what I was really feeling and those words are up now.” FYI … After taking it down 10 minutes after posting it.

Let’s face it! Justin just re-posted his comments with the reference to Lindsay removed!