Katy Perry, the Sex Kitten Programmer, has mixed up what she’s selling this time, all shown in her performance last night on American Idol.


Katy Perry usually is the sex kitten in her performances, but last night in her song “Part of Me”, she was pushing the Military Propaganda Programming. In her performance of this song for last month’s Kids Choice Awards, she used ‘Castle Programming‘, instead of the ‘Military’ which is used in the music video. Now, she’s brought the ‘Military Programming’ into her live performance which debuted on American Idol last night.

It’s no secret anymore, that poptarts like her are used to program people, especially the youth, to ‘be like her’. Whether it’s having sex, or making war look sexy- she’s the girl for the job!

But you should know if you don’t already, that the military life is notĀ glamorousĀ one bit, like the way Perry portrays it! Oh, and Rihanna too!