Legendary comedian, Don Rickles, who throughout his long career earned the nicknames “The Merchant of Venom” and “Mr. Warmth,” has died. He was 90.

Rickles passed away on Thursday at his home in Los Angeles surrounded by family. His cause of death was  reportedly kidney failure, according to spokesman, Paul Shefrin.


For more than half a century, on nightclub stages, in concert halls and on television, Mr. Rickles made outrageously derisive comments about people’s looks, their ethnicity, their spouses, their sexual orientation, their jobs or anything else he could think of. He didn’t discriminate: His incendiary unpleasantries were aimed at the biggest stars in show business (Frank Sinatra was a favorite target) and at ordinary paying customers. h/t nytimes

According to published reports, Rickles had a net worth of $30 million at the time of his death.

Rickles and Louise Sorel pictured above during the filming of an episode of the Don Rickles Show in 1971.

Our thoughts and prayers are with the Rickles family at this difficult time.