Tennessee man, Anthony Gaunichaux, reportedly placed his 2-year-old son outside a Murfreesboro residence moments before shooting his wife, Amanda Hasty Gaunichaux, and then himself dead.

Gaunichaux, 47, and his wife, Amanda, 36, were found dead inside an Annadel Court home after police responded to a call of a domestic dispute Wednesday night.


Deputies made contact with the husband just after 10 p.m. and dispatchers were on the line when Anthony Gaunichaux placed a toddler outside the residence and shot his wife and then himself dead. Police report hearing gunshots in the background.

“Almost immediately, patrol deputies heard the sound of a gunshot and deputies entered the home where they found the husband and wife both deceased,” Hall said. “The child was not physically harmed during the incident and is being cared for.” source

The child was cared for by deputies in a patrol car.

Detectives believe Anthony shot his wife before shooting himself.