Lark Voorhies‘ mother is saying that her daughter’s new husband, Jimmy Green, is a bonafide gang banger, who runs with the Bloods. And she has even filed a restraining order against him.
According to Lark’s mother, Patricia, Lark’s new hubby is living under her roof, and has even found the hoodlum sleeping in her closet.
Patricia says after Lark and Jimmy tied the knot — the deal was Green would be out of the house every evening in time to catch the last bus back to his place, but instead she kept finding him asleep in the house … including one time in a closet. She says Green yelled, “You motherf**king woke me up, ain’t that a bitch.” Lark’s mom also points out Lark is mentally and emotionally fragile and under doctors’ care. h/t tmz
Patricia was granted a temporary restraining order to keep Jimmy 100 yards away from her and her home.