A new study, examining a mystery confounded polling analysts, says Donald Trump‘s huge poll numbers may actually be understated.

Confusing the polsters is the fact Trump performs much better in online-based surveys rather than polls that include live-telephone interviews, which may indicate some voters are planning to vote for Trump, but may be reluctant to admit their support for the controversial candidate.


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In self-administered online interviews voters will be more likely to admit their support. And that will more likely reflect their eventual decision in the privacy of a voting booth.

“Much work remains to better understand which types of polls are actually right in predicting Trump’s support levels, but a key implication of the study is that many national polls may be underestimating Trump’s support levels,” the study concluded. h/t businessinsider

If true, the results could indicate that Trump’s support in polls, which has risen to new heights over the past few weeks, is actually understated.

drudge report debate poll

Overall, the study found that Trump performs about 6 percentage points better in online surveys compared with those conducted by phone.