Bill O’Reilly‘s, The O’Reilly Factor, on the Fox News Channel is enjoying its biggest audience jump of 2015 to date – 3.3 million viewers with an averaged 590,000 viewers in the news demo.
Despite recent scandals, O’Reilly’s audience pull is 166% bigger than the number of folks he dragged in at the same time last year. That’s works out to a cool 100% improvement in demo viewers.
Last week, for instance, was his first full week since discrepancies emerged between his description of his role in covering various news events, most particularly his reporting on the Falklands War from Buenos Aires, with the headline Bill O’Reilly Has His Own Brian Williams Problem. Since then, Mother Jones and Media Matters traded off breaking stories about his claims on other major news events he covered as a news reporter.. Go figure.. h/t deadline
Meanwhile, Anderson Cooper’s numbers at CNN for the week – 530,000 viewers and 209,000 demo viewers – are up a lesser 16% and 6%, respectively.