Jim Bob and Michelle Duggarmay have told a blatant lie about their daughter’s professional skills and now fans of the family are responding in big, negative droves.
The Duggar scandal cropped up over a social media post about twins John and Jana‘s 25th birthday after the parents claimed their daughter was a “concert pianist.”
“They both have a ministry heart and are great role models for other young people,” the post on the family’s official Facebook page said, with a picture of the birthday kids. “John just finished up his pilot’s license and is staying busy with construction and police work. Jana is a concert pianist and is involved in many ministries. We are so blessed to have such wonderful daughters and sons. Happy 25th Jana and John!” h/t wonderwall
“Concert pianist.” Those two words sent many fans into a rage because classical music is a very competitive field, and they don’t believe Jana is nearly qualified to earn that title. Jana, fans said, is not a concert pianist.
It’s probably safe to assume the family didn’t anticipate this feedback when they posted the photo of the twins celebrating their birthday at an Arkansas Cracker Barrel.