Paulina Pinsky, the daughter of TV’s Dr. Drew Pinsky, has not benefited from having an addiction specialist father in her life after admitting a seven-year battle with anorexia and bulimia, code words for stimulant abuse, a.k.a. cocaine, adderall and or meth..
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Paulina’s troubles began after being forced to train as an ice skater by her parents, mainly mom, Susan.
“My ability to listen to my mother had disappeared when I had hit rock bottom four months prior and had put myself into therapy. Purging eight times in one day to cope with the emotional stress of being home during spring break had finally scared me enough to take action. I was the pretty blond girl who was a cheerleader and an ice skater. I got good grades, had a boyfriend, and was thin . . . But I was suffering under the weight of ‘perfection’ in a way that even I didn’t completely understand.”
Paulina, 21, continued, “I finally told my mom I’d been throwing up since the seventh grade, and after a long silence, she responded, ‘Well, get your teeth checked.’”
She said the move helped them forge a closer bond, and she realized her mother “needed me to be perfect . . .
Paulina expressed dismay over the media coverage of pregnant Kim Kardashian. At a family dinner, “I hadn’t even completed my thought about how disgusting I found the media’s emphasis on her weight gain . . . before my mother interrupted me: ‘Yeah. She got really fat.’ I . . . looked at my father . . . he just mumbled his medical opinion under his breath, saying, ‘You know, it’s very unhealthy for the baby to gain that much weight. Could be eclampsia.’ ” source
Dr. Drew, an addiction specialist, had no comment.