James Cameron

James Cameron


After years and years of waiting, James Cameron finally showed people a clip of his hotly anticipated film AvatarAvatarfollows the story of a crippled human (Sam Worthington) who is transported to an alien world and gets involved in a epic war.  If anyone can pull it off it’s Cameron, whose last film was a little flick titled Titanic.

Cameron previewed more than 20 minutes of the film at a Comic Con panel yesterday.  The hall was already at full capacity since it followed the New Moonpanel but the audience was nonetheless engaged and, from the sound of many reports, blown away.  The film relies heavily on cutting-edge special effects and promises to set the bar on digital and 3D motion pictures.  In fact, the technology needed for the movie has been 15 years in the making.  Yikes.

Cameron also promised that IMAX theaters across the country will show footage of the new film on August 21, which he dubbed “Avatar Day”.