Jonathan D. Krane, famed producer and husband of M*A*S*H* actress and Academy Award nominee, Sally Kellerman, has died. Kellerman said on Facebook that he “died suddenly” Monday in their home in the Hollywood Hills. He was 65.

Krane produced more than a dozen films that starred John Travolta, including the Look Who’s Talking series of films that also starred, Kirstie Alley.


Jonathan D. Krane Sally Kellerman family

Krane produced the action-packed Face/Off (1997), directed by John Woo, and Mike Nichols’ election campaign movie Primary Colors (1998), still two more films that top lined Travolta, whom Krane once managed.Their other collaborations included The Experts (1989), Chains of Gold (1991), Phenomenon (1996), Michael (1996), The General’s Daughter (1999), Battlefield Earth (2000), Lucky Numbers (2000), Swordfish (2001), Domestic Disturbance (2001) and Basic (2003). h/t thr

Jonathan D. Krane Sally Kellerman family

Kellerman on Facebook: “So sorry to report the sudden passing on Monday of my beloved husband Jonathan D. Krane. Thankfully our twins Jack and Hannah are both with me. I am totally devastated. I have to earn a living, so am keeping my prior commitment this week to attend the 50th anniversary “Star Trek” convention in Las Vegas. Love to you all.”