Conspiracy theories, which in general have gained more legitimacy than ever, say the killer Ebola virus is really a planned, staged, and healthcare scam of an outbreak.
With no known cure or vaccine, conspiracy theories claims include, a ploy to get folks to get checkups to the the virus being a CIA-manufactured weapon to a cover for “cannibalistic rituals.”
Angry crowds in Africa have also accused foreigners of bringing the virus into the country. In April, the threat of violence forced Medecins Sans Frontieres to evacuate all its staff from a treatment centre in Guinea. In Sierra Leone, which has the largest number of Ebola cases, thousands protested outside the country’s main Ebola treatment facility in the eastern city of Kenema, where police had to disperse the crowd with tear gas.
Reports say the demonstration was sparked by a rumour from a nearby market that the disease was a ruse used to justify “cannibalistic rituals” being carried out in the hospital.