Social media users are inundated with survey scams promising free or heavily discounted goods and services by everyone from Kohl’s to Costco. But now a new hoax survey is targeting Starbucks lovers with the lure of free lifetime coffee passes.
Facebook users were offered embedded links offered a lifetime pass to Starbucks titled “Starbucks Is Giving Free Lifetime Pass on it’s [sic] 44th Anniversary (83 Pass Remaining),” which cloned the style of Facebook-based content.
The embedded links involved a variety of URLs, some of which included entirely unrelated scam-bait terms like “iTunes” and “Apple.” Users who clicked through to claim their purported lifetime pass to Starbucks were routed to a page reading “Starbucks Is Giving Free Lifetime Pass on it’s [sic] 44th Anniversary (83 Pass Remaining),” which cloned the style of Facebook-based content (but was hosted on a non-Facebook URL.) h/t snopes
Before you waste your time filling out the survey, beware, it is NOT real and will not earn you even a single cup of the pricey brew.