No, the actor who plays “Jake from State Farm” in the popular series of insurance company television commercials was not murdered by his wife. Matter of fact, he’s very much alive.
Articles about Jake from State Farm‘s demise that started cropping up on the internet a few days ago have since proven false. The actor was not found dead after being murdered by his wife for cheating.
It is being reported that Jake From State Farm was reportedly found dead in his apartment bedroom Saturday night. According to authorities, Jake was killed by his wife after finding him in bed with another woman.
Jake From State Farm was murdered by his own wife for allegedly cheating on her. Very Ironic, considering that the original Jake From State Farm commercial was about being unfaithful. According to State Farm, Jake would be a good neighbor to all of his clients, but when he needed help, nobody was there for him. Jakes wife was arrested a few hours following the murder. A true hero quoted State Farm. h/t snopes
Nothing about this story is true, as it originated on Huzlers, a well known fake news site. Also, real news articles (especially those reporting on deaths) tend to include the real names of actors and not refer to them solely by the names of characters they played on television. Finally, “Jake from State Farm” has dispelled this himself rumor on Twitter:
Huzlers, a web site that has previously published fake news stories about Starbucks drinks being made with semen, a “Netflix N Chill” lawsuit, and Chipotle using dog meat to make tacos, bills itself as “the most notorious urban satirical entertainment website in the world with the most shocking headlines and articles shared by trillions around the world.”