Somewhere Dov Charney is laughing his arse off after American Apparelmistakenly did the unthinkable by posting this image of the horrific NASA Challenger space shuttle explosion as their happy July 4th photo tweet..
In a statement, the company claimed a social media geek mistook the iconic photo for holiday fireworks.
American Apparel apologized for the mistake, saying that their social media manager was born after 1986 and was unfamiliar with the iconic images from the disaster, which killed all seven astronauts on board. “We sincerely regret the insensitivity of that selection and the post has been deleted,” the company tweeted. The image had originally been posted to the Tumblr of a British designer, whom Talking Points Memo reports was surprised to see American Apparel had reblogged it. “[T]hey don’t even know what it is,” he said.
American Apparel ousted its CEODov Charney last month, famous for having underage girls pose suggestively in the company’s marketing campaigns. Sounds like it’s time to get a social media manager older than their models. Got karma?