An Australian girl named Monika Samaan, ate a KFC (Kentucky Fried Chicken) Chicken Twister Wrap in 2005 when she was 7 years old, and became seriously ill with salmonella poisoning.
Samaan, who once said she ‘wanted to be a Doctor when she grew up’, will never walk again, as she is bound to a wheelchair forever- all because of the Chicken Twister. Samaan and her family claim that the Chicken Twister was the reason that Samaan suddenly became paralyzed. Samaan was first vomiting and had diarrhea after eating the Twister, then she went to the hospital and went into a coma for six months, which gave her severe brain damage.

Samaan Before and After

After 7 years of waiting for justice, Samaan and her family won their case against KFC in the New South Wales Supreme Court. The court ordered KFC to pay $8.3 million plus legal costs.


This is exactly why I rarely eat fast food! Crazy food poisoning out there! If you cook at home, you usually know what you are getting.