Popular True Blood fan site, Trueblood-online.com was pressured by HBO to remove a story. The original story was brought to you here at ThecounT.com, and it featured our writer Lisa Mason Lee.

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ThecounT.com recently wrote a story about Lisa’s experience on the HBO show True Blood. The story pictured Lisa in costume and it detailed the overall pleasant experience she had working on the True Blood production. After the story was published on ThecounT.com, numerous True Blood fan sites reprinted it for their readers enjoyment.

These fan sites keep track of the auditions/casting calls, show listings and everything else under the moon relating to True Blood. For instance, ThecounT.com story did not even mention what episode Lisa is going to appear in, but somehow several fan sites figured it out.

Our inside source revealed exclusively to ThecounT.com, that an HBO rep contacted the Trueblood-online.com fan site and demanded that the ‘Lisa Mason Lee on True Blood’ story be retracted, to which Trueblood-online.com promptly complied!

A big question looms: does HBO manipulate and control this ‘so called’ fan site? Is HBO along with other networks sticking their nose into the free and independent press? Who’s the wizard behind the curtain? They certainly had enough control to pressure Trueblood-online.com into removing the story. Aren’t ‘fan sites’ supposed to be independent?? WHY did Trueblood-online cater to HBO? Don’t  they want their readers to have access to this information? Or do they just want to serve up watered down corporate controlled spoon fed media? Let’s face it, HBO didn’t have a gun to Trueblood-online.com’s head.

A word to the wise, be careful where you get your information. And beware of websites claiming to be ‘independent’ when they are actually ‘corporately controlled.’ Here at ThecounT.com, we will NEVER bow to corporate pressure and give you news ‘lite.’