Kelly Rutherford better hope she never has to face the same judge again, after calling her a “cruel idiot.” And the bashing didn’t stop there.
Rutherford slammed JudgeEllen Gesmer, who ruled the actress immediately return her two young children to their father, who resides in Monaco, which violated the kid’s Constitutional rights, according to Rutherford.
She says effectively the judge “arrested” her children, and sent them back to their father, who she claims lied to the court to get his way. Rutherford says Judge Ellen Gesmer‘s ruling to send the kids back to Daniel Giersch was “shocking, illegal, and abusive to my children.” She adds that Gesmer “lacked sufficient knowledge of the law, or didn’t care that she was violating the law.” She insists the ruling violates the Constitution because the children are U.S. citizens. h/t tmz
She saved her best for last, saying … “She [the Judge] has to live with herself, and if she has a conscience, I suspect she will not sleep well, ever again.”