prince harry 1 150x150 Prince Harry Parties in VegasHarry! You were in Vegas and you didn’t call??

Prince Harry was ‘just one of the people’ hanging out in Las Vegas this weekend. No big deal or anything.


On Friday night, Harry was hanging out at Wynn’s Tryst Nightclub, and rumored to have been on the dance floor too! He stayed the night at the Wynn and partied again the next day.

On Saturday night, Harry and four of his military friends went to see Cirque du Soleil’s “O” at the Bellagio. They then went to the casino and played some Blackjack. They ended the night at club XS.

According to People Mag, witnesses who saw Harry, said that he was loving Vegas and he was so thrilled that you get free cocktails while you gamble. He’ll be back.