The new incarnation of Apple‘s iPad is officially here, and it’s big one. And despite Steve Jobs hate, hating, anything with a stylus, this iPad comes stock with one.
Called the “iPad Pro,” it’s 12.9-inches of viewing pleasure bliss and geared primarily toward business professionals – hence the “pro.”
Tim Cook called it the biggest news in iPad since the iPad, and he wasn’t kidding. This thing is enormous, but Apple says it’s still only 0.27 inches thick compared with the 0.24-inch iPad Air 2. Apple says the Pro’s screen is great for watching movies thanks to its 2,732 x 2,048 pixels.
But it’s not just about great looking video, Apple’s Phil Schiller said the new multitasking features in iOS 9 were developed specifically with the iPad Pro in mind. So you’ll be able to use two apps side by side at the same time on the iPad Pro, just like you would on a laptop.
Apple also announced its new Smart Keyboard cover that connects to the Pro magnetically. If that sounds familiar, it’s because Microsoft has been making keyboard covers that magnetically connect to its Surface tablet for quite some time. Though, Microsoft’s Surface keyboard also comes with a touchpad, the iPad Pro’s keyboard cover doesn’t. h/t yahoo
Apple also debuted its new Apple Pencil stylus for the iPad Pro. Yes, despite Steve Jobs’s dislike for the stylus, Apple has added one to the iPad.