Kanye West did the unthinkable at his Sydney Qantas Credit Union concert, berating a pair of fans confined to wheelchairs for not standing up.
The embarrassing gaffe lasted a full five minutes, as West refused to start the next song untill the handicapped fans complied. They didn’t.
According to a note posted on setlist.fm and various eyewitness accounts on social media, the rapper was enraged when two fans wouldn’t heed his requests to stand up during his Graduation cut ‘Good Life’. West reportedly ranted and refused to start the song, before realising that the pair were confined to wheelchairs. “He wanted the crowd to stand up and couldn’t see why they were seated,” one fan said on social media “Once it clicked that they couldn’t, he started the song.” source
Posting on Twitter, Sydney writer Max Quinn said West gave the crowd two options: “You gonna stand up, or you gonna get removed.” He said he immediately launched into the song once he realised the pair were in wheelchairs.