“I like the way you die boy.” I guess that’s something you would expect a Django action figure to say when you pull the string… Some think this is a great idea while others think it is outrageous, action figures from the movie Django, by request…
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Here’s the sales pitch: From the highly anticipated new film from prolific director Quentin Tarantino – comes this collection of poseable 8″ figures with tailored fabric clothing – similar to the retro toy lines that helped define the licensed action figure market in the 1970s. These characters are faithful to their western looks in Django Unchained and includes the likenesses of such famous hollywood talent as Jamie Foxx and Leonardo Dicaprio. Characters included are Candie (Leonardo DiCaprio), Stephen (Samuel L. Jackson), Django Jamie Foxx), Broomhilda (Kerry Washington), Butch (James Remar), and Dr. King Schultz Christoph Waltz).
I mean I guess things might get a little weird when one of your friends shows up with the Jamie Foxx action figure and your other buddy has the Leonardo DiCaprio version…
Najee Ali, director of the advocacy group Project Islamic Hope, plans a news conference Tuesday with other Los Angeles black community leaders calling for the removal of the toys from the market.
Ali called the action figures “a slap in the face of our ancestors.”
“We were outraged,” said Ali, upon learning of the figures. “We feel that it trivializes the horrors of slavery and what African Americans experienced.”
The action figures are collectibles recommended for people older than 17. Tarantino has had such figures made for all of his films, including his last, “Inglourious Basterds.” That film, too, reveled in a revenge fantasy set in history – Nazi Germany. dailyrepublic.
I have to admit that I would personally feel uncomfortable owning any of these action figures, but maybe that’s just me. I already own a few Spice Girls and *NSync action figures, go figure…