Every New Year’s Eve we get reports of folks playing with guns and or getting hurt or worse, killed, that’s exactly what happened to a brother and sister simply shooting some Facebook pictures on New Year’s Eve.



19-year-old Arizona resident, Savannah Ramirez (pictured right) was fooling around with her brother (pictured left) on New Year’s Eve when the pair decided to take some pictures for their Facebook page. Some of the props included hats, bandannas, sunglasses and ah yes, a loaded gun.

The picture above shows one of the poses the siblings struck, the next was Savannah pointing the gun at Manuel’s head, thats when tragedy struck with the gun discharging and instantly killing her bro.

It is unknown as to whether or not the group knew the weapon was loaded.

AZ Police Sgt. Steve Martos said:
“Every New Year’s Eve, this particular sister is going to be thinking about this for the rest of her life on how…drinking overnight, playing with a gun and now shoots and kills her brother.”

Alcohol tests were performed on Savannah if they come back positive the teen could be charged with manslaughter.