It’s official! Batman 3 has been announced! July 20, 2012 is the official theatrical release date for the film. If the world is still here in 2012, I’ll definitely be in the theater for this one! I wonder who the new villain will be???

Internet speculation seems to be pointing towards ‘Catwoman’ and/or ‘The Riddler’. If they cast Jim Carrey as the Riddler again, I would be into it! I think it would work. IMDB has not yet revealed any other cast members than Christian Bale, Morgan Freeman, Gary Oldman and Michael Caine.


Who do you think the new villain will be? AND which actor do you think would be good for the villain of your choice?

Here are some cool fan-made posters for Batman 3:

Batman 3 Catwoman?
Batman 3 Riddler?