ORLANDO, FL. (THECOUNT) — Talk about a space cadet! Chris Richardson, a self-described “hole fan,” (not of the Courtney Love variety,) is questioning why the Black Hole newly discovered by scientists, had to be called black.

A black hole is defined as such due to the fact that its gravitational pull does not allow for light to escape. This information, however, has not deterred harsh criticisms from Richardson.


“Listen, I love holes. Hell, I’ve got two major ones right here on my own body and a third one tattooed onto my leg. And I get that diversity is important and all that, but does it have to feel so forced? Can’t we just call it a ‘White Hole’ or an ‘American Hole’ for once?” Richardson asked in a 600-word post to his Facebook page. “I just don’t get why every single thing has to be political now.”

“If the defining feature is an absence of light, isn’t it pretty racist to just call it black? If I was black, I would be so offended that people are calling them that. It’s like ‘Oh, you’re calling them black because the hole sucks all matter and doesn’t produce anything of value?’ Honestly, it’s pretty fucked up we even let it get this far,” Richardson explained. “That being said, it is also racist that it’s not a white hole, either,” reports TheHardTimes.