Study: Ecstasy Helpful For Post Traumatic Stress

A new study shows 10 of 12 people who took Ecstasy (MDMA) while suffering with PTSD improved to the point where they no longer were diagnosed with the disorder.

Journal of Psychopharmacology documented the study which took 20 people who had experienced a variety of traumatic ordeals ranging from combat to assault and gave half of them a dose of MDMA and then a therapy session, the other received a placebo and the same therapy.


Sixty days later the most of the folks that took the ecstasy had beat the disorder completely and only 2 of the others taking the placebo had noticeable improvement.

Although the results are promising it is difficult to to gauge the future of treating PTSD with MDMA because it is classified as an illegal drug. The effects of a home treatment may be significantly different as Ecstasy administered in an uncontrolled environment can cause a slew of dangerous side effects, in other words, don’t try this at home but let the good times roll.