Joe Biden Pulls PERFECT JOKER FACE At State Of The Union
What a Country! We got John Boehner looking like he’s sitting on a veritable mountain of hemorrhoids and VP Joe…
What a Country! We got John Boehner looking like he’s sitting on a veritable mountain of hemorrhoids and VP Joe…
Brave Chantel Blunk, the wife of Jonathan Blunk, the man who was killed by James Holmes arrives for court, Monday…
James Holmes, AKA, the Joker, The man responsible for killing 12 people and injuring a staggering 58 opening fire at…
James Joker Holmes appeared in court this morning and gone was his orange/ red/ pink/ freak dye job… This is…
Hilarious that major news outlets are falling for this ridiculas lie! A MTV sleazebag is promoting his miserable new movie…
I have had countless requests for more information about the woman who was sitting to the left of the Joker,…
James Joker Holmes, the 24-year-old wacko accused of gunning down dozens of folks in a Colorado movie theater last week, was adopted as…
Cops are saying the Colorado shooter resembled Batman’s arch-villain “The Joker” at the time of the attack. “We have some…
At a news conference this afternoon, addressing the horrible Aurora, CO theater shooting during last night’s midnight showing of “Batman:…