Here are a few of our favorite celebrity Halloween costumes over the years.

Some are simple and some are elaborate, but one thing is for sure, celebrities go all out for Halloween!


celebrity halloween costumes channing tatum

Channing Tatum.

Kendall Jenner and Cara Delevingne.

celebrity halloween costumes kendall jenner cara delevingne


celebrity halloween costumes rihanna

Heidi Klum.

celebrity halloween costumes heidi klum


celebrity halloween costumes beyonce

Taylor Swift.

celebrity halloween costumes taylor swift

Kim Kardashian.

celebrity halloween costumes kim kardashian

Matt Lauer.

celebrity halloween costumes matt lauer lucy

Miley Cyrus.

celebrity halloween costumes miley cyrus

Iggy Azalea.

celebrity halloween costumes iggy azalea

Kate Middleton.

celebrity halloween costumes kate middleton

Adam Levine and Anne V.

celebrity halloween costumes adam levine anne V