The National Association to Advance Fat Acceptance group, has taken a stand to support Jessica Simpson’s recent blow up in weight gain.

Those high-waist jeans did not help! As a pretty fit and average sized woman, I know that I cannot wear those cut of jeans! They are not flattering on anyone unless you are 5’11” and 110 pounds. Is that a possible human proportion?


Some are skeptical that this is another Joe Simpson publicity stunt to get Jessica some tabloid attention, but maybe she just flat out gained some weight. It is normal! Especially with women. Women fluxuate up and down with their weight on a normal basis. Here is the supportive message from the Fat Acceptance group:

“Our Organization believes a person’s body size is not anyone else’s business. Whether or not Jessica chooses to gain or lose weight, is not a gage of her talent. Our nation is really obsessed with weight and its time to move past that.”