Can you believe it? Miss Congeniality is officially 50 years of age.
Sandra Bullock turned a half of a century old today.
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For Bullock, age is nothing but a number that defies all laws of mathematics, in other words, she looks good for her age.
At 50, the Oscar-winning actress is funny, beautiful, hot, talented and has Hollywood eating out of the palm of her hand. High 50’s Alexa Baracaia looks at why everyone loves America’s sweetheart. As someone once said about Cleopatra, “Age cannot wither her, nor custom stale her infinite variety.”
Oh, all right, it may be a stretch to paint Sandra Bullock as the quintessential Shakespearean heroine, but as the star of Speed hurtles towards 50 we say it’s her winning “variety” that makes her unlikely to go witchery for a long while. source
As celebrity stylist Robert Verdi puts it: “Women [at 50] like Bullock have come to a place where, whatever they’re insecure about, they know how to control it.