WOODWORTH, ND. (THECOUNT) — The days-long search for a North Dakota infant came to a sad end on Saturday, July 7, with the discovery of the baby’s body just southeast of Woodworth.
Searchers made the grim discovery of the 4-month-old boy on land in some weeds near a slough at around 3 p.m. Saturday, said Stutsman County Sheriff Chad Kaiser. The search involved more than 30 people from seven agencies to cover an 8-mile area.
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Stutsman County Sheriff’s Office received a request from family members for a welfare check concerning Justice Lange and her infant child Monday, Kaiser said. Because the baby and the mother were said to be together and with the lack of an abduction, no Amber alert was issued.
Carrington Police Department searched for Lange and her stolen pickup, Kaiser said. The truck was later located and Lange was found walking nearby Friday morning.
Lange was reportedly in a Fargo hospital as of Friday. It if unclear if she remained hospitalized.
“We did find the 4-month-old close to our search area that we were looking in,” Kaiser said. “We received some better information from the mother and we were able to then locate the baby.” source
The baby’s body was taken to the North Dakota State Forensic Examiner in Bismarck for an autopsy, Kaiser said.
The case remains under investigation.
According to Lange’s Facebook profile, she is from Carrington but lives in Fargo.
This is a developing story.