Crystal Queen has been named as the DC woman arrested in connection with the assault of two students at an elementary school.
Queen, 31, was arrested after being accused of entering the playground area of a DC area elementary school and assaulting several 6-year-old kids.
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According to the mother of one boys injured in the incident, the attack was over a student passing gas during class, “somebody had passed gas in his classroom. He had sprayed some Febreze and the Febreze had got on a student,” she was told. The Febrezed student is believed to be Queen’s son.
The 6-year-old said that Queen “picked me up by my neck, threw me on the ground, scratched my face up.”
FOX 5 reported on May 18 that mother Aisha Diin said her 6-year-old son, Yosef, a first-grade student at Drew Elementary was pushed to the ground and suffered scratches on his face in two places on May 11. source
Queen was charged with two counts of simple assault.
A source told local media that Queen was banned from the school. After the banning she removed her child from the school.