A DDoS attack that crippled the networks of Xbox and Playstation over the Christmas holiday is finally over and an unlikely mediator has stepped forward claiming that he is the one responsible for resolving the issue.
The hack attack, which disrupted online services such as multiplayer games like Call of Duty Advanced Warfare and Destiny, is now over and we have Kim Dotcom to thank.
The hacker group, Lizard Squad, which claimed responsibility for the attacks, has confirmed that it was in fact Dotcom who settled the skirmish, via their official Twitter. A Twitter account representing Lizard Squad announced that it would stop the attacks as a direct result of an offer for vouchers to Dotcom’s new Mega service. h/t cnet
Dotcom tweeted of his success,
Xbox Live and PSN services coming back. Many regions fully restored. Full recovery imminent. Enjoy your gaming holidays. You’re welcome :-) — Kim Dotcom (@KimDotcom) December 26, 2014.
Lizard Squad tweeted confirming that it was Dotcom who ended the feud.
Kim Dotcom launched his Mega service in January 2013 after his original MegaUpload service was taken down by U.S. law enforcement due to suspected piracy by its users.