This kid just bench pressed 700 pounds… So how much did you say that you could bench press again? I don’t even need to hear your answer in order to know that this Texas teen has got you beat! HANDS DOWN! And most likely by several hundred pounds! OR MORE! Think about it! That’s like 2 and a half Adeles!NS_14LIFTERA_30127140

Over the weekend, Poursoltani, a senior at Pilot Point High School in Texas, bench-pressed a staggering 700 pounds! Easily making for a new Texas state record! But are you kidding me? 700 POUNDS? That’s incredible!


Back in 2012 state meet, Poursoltani lifted 570 pounds and what a difference a year makes as he now he tops out at 700!

“If you need something to help you work out, you need to get out of the sport,” Poursoltani told the Morning News. “If you can’t drive yourself that hard to come in here and work out, then it’s probably just not for you.”

Get Lance Armstrong on the phone! I want this kid tested! And then hired!