Most Virgin Mobile Broadband2Go customers got a rude message today informing them of a pending speed reduction of 4G services. Now I am no tech-head but anything with the word “reduction” can not be good…


Speed Reduction for Unlimited 4G Plans & Tracking Your Usage
Speed Reduction for Unlimited 4G Plans:

Once the system is updated, we will begin throughput speed reduction for the Unlimited 4G plans. To ensure all customers have reliable access to data services, we will begin implementation of throughput speed reduction, once the established threshold is reached. This will apply only to plans that include Unlimited 4G data. Speed reduction for Unlimited 3G plans will continue.

To help ensure you’re aware of your throughput limiting status, we’ll send you an email message when 85% of the data threshold has been used, and again when you’ve reached 100% of your data threshold and speeds will be reduced.