The awesome thing about being a celebrity is that you pretty much get what you want when you want… but does that go for their unknown family members too? In the case of some of the star’s siblings listed below, you wouldn’t know some of them were related!  – First up is Lady Gaga’s beautiful and younger sister Natali Germanotta.

Rihanna’s brothers Rorrey & Rajad.


Katy Perry’s older sister and younger brother.

Britney Spears‘ older brother Bryan

Michelle Trachtenberg’s older sister Irene.

Rupert Grint’s younger brother James.

Christina’s half-brother Mikey Kearns.

Matthew & Michelle Lavigne, older brother & younger sister of Avril Lavigne.

Keira Knightley’s older brother Kaleb.

Taylor Swift’s younger brother Austin.

Kristi Fox is Megan Fox’s older sister. She is 34 years old and works as a guidance counselor at Fort Pierce Central High School.