The mother of Brittany Curry, one of four girls arrested and charged with murdering a good samaritan, posted a video expressing her dismay over her daughter’s arrest.

Brittany Curry, 28, Ponesha Taylor, 23, Johniesha Simmons, 19 and Lautesha Dotson, 23, are all facing charges of murder in connection to the shooting death of a Wilson City, Missouri man, 55-year-old Ralph Edward Cross.


According to the police report, Cross helped the women with a flat tire. He even purchased them a new tire and invited them to his home. They stayed there until police found Cross Tuesday morning.

Police believe robbery might have been the motive. Multiple witnesses told police that they had seen Cross with a large amount of money that hasn’t been found. Investigators also noted that there were signs the home had been searched. source

Curry’s mother took to Facebook Live after her daughter’s arrest. CAUTION: the following video contains strong language.