United States Fish and Wildlife Service

337 Whales Beach Themselves In One Of World’s Largest Strandings337 Whales Beach Themselves In One Of World’s Largest Strandings

337 Whales Beach Themselves In One Of World’s Largest Strandings

337 endangered sei whales stranded themselves off the coast of southern Chile in one of the world's biggest strandings ever recorded.…

9 years ago
Cecil The Lion Killer Halloween Costume Is So WrongCecil The Lion Killer Halloween Costume Is So Wrong

Cecil The Lion Killer Halloween Costume Is So Wrong

With Halloween just around the corner, it's time to start thinking about your costume, and if you're the sick, demented…

9 years ago
Dentist Who Killed Cecil Paid $127K To Settle SEXUAL HARASSMENT SuitDentist Who Killed Cecil Paid $127K To Settle SEXUAL HARASSMENT Suit

Dentist Who Killed Cecil Paid $127K To Settle SEXUAL HARASSMENT Suit

Following an unprecedented social media backlash for his role in the death of Cecil the lion, it has been revealed…

9 years ago
Autopsy Says Knut The Polar Bear “Died from Drowning”Autopsy Says Knut The Polar Bear “Died from Drowning”

Autopsy Says Knut The Polar Bear “Died from Drowning”

Many people have been skeptical of the famed polar bear’s death. Some people thought that Knut could have died from…

14 years ago