social network

If Someone Sends You THIS Link On Chrome Don’t Click It!

Check out this little link that if clicked will bring your entire Chrome browser crashing down! Used as a hyperlink, the…

9 years ago

Facebook REMOVES Teen Hunters’ Controversial Photos

Facebook has removed Kendall Jones' controversial hunting photos.. The photos, which depicted the 19-year-old's hunting kills, infuriated animal-rights groups, have now been…

10 years ago

CNN Mocked Mercilessly After Deploying Toy Airplane In Malaysian Flight Coverage

CNN sank to new lows, and not just in the ratings, but also by using a children's toy to aid…

10 years ago


You may have heard about a Facebook leak that revealed the private info of over 6M of its users, including…

11 years ago

Sean Parker PAYS OFF CA Coastal Commission After Screwing Environment

Mr. Parker has been extremely cooperative and actively involved in working with Coastal Commission staff to reach this resolution which…

11 years ago

Is Twitter Down?

My Twitter is down, is your Twitter down? The pages says: "Twitter is currently down for maintenance."

11 years ago

Man Tweets ObamaCare 140 Characters At A Time

This is kinda crazy and could result in a health problem! Actor, director Jake McClain has begun tweeting every word…

11 years ago

Twitter SHORTENS Tweet Length! Starting TODAY!

If you’re planning on tweeting out a URL with your tweet - It just got a shorter. Starting today, tweets…

11 years ago

Megan Fox Hates Twitter, So Should Twitter Hate Megan Fox?

Megan Fox just made the shocking statement on her facebook! She's quitting Twitter! After just one week on the wildly…

12 years ago

#Cut4Bieber Twitter Hashtag Encourages Kids To Cut Selves In Support Of Justin Bieber

This is got to be the dumbest, craziest and stupidest thing I have ever heard in my entire life! Kids…

12 years ago