poker face

GAGA FREAKOUT AT YOUTUBE AWARDS… Barefoot, out of tune, crying… viewers click away

Lady Gaga was the reason about 40,000 people tuned-out of the very first Youtube Music Awards show after the 'Poker…

11 years ago

Proof that Lady Gaga is NOT a Hermaphrodite

Various celeb blog sites have reported that Lady Gaga is a hermaphrodite. Is it true? They believe a particular video…

16 years ago

Lady Gaga Loves Her Fans

I like this picture of Lady Gaga at Narita Airport in Japan. She has a childlike happiness in her smile.…

16 years ago

Lady Gaga On Cover Of Style Magazine

Lady GaGa is more and more in the spotlight, and is now on the cover of Style magazine February 2009…

16 years ago