Mitt Romney

MANIACAL MEATLOAF: Bizarre Romney Event Performance

This is the worst version of "America the Beautiful" I have ever heard... What the heck was the sound man…

12 years ago


More crop artists have been at work in Iowa. This declaration of presidential preference is on Jim and Nancy Pellett’s…

12 years ago

Paul Ryan Could Whoop Biden’s Butt (but so could my grandma)

Time magazine named Paul Ryan as runner-up to its Person of the Year issue, but that was last year, now…

12 years ago

CLUELESS OR COJONES? Black Actress Stacey Dash Endorses ROMNEY!

A lot of folks are freaking out over an actress publicly endorsing Mitt Romney for president - because she is…

12 years ago

Snoop Dogg IGNO-RANT Top 10 List Of Reasons NOT To Vote Romney

Snoop Dogg Tweeted this list of his top 10 reasons not to vote for Romney along with 10 reasons -…

12 years ago

Did Romney Use A Cheat Sheet? PHOTO!

Romney's people say this was a hankie... Others say it was crib notes, which are strictly prohibited... I tend to…

12 years ago

VOTE Like Your “LADY PARTS” Depend On It

This is a weird new campaign slogan that appeared on Barack Obama's Tumblr today. It reads "Vote like your lady…

12 years ago

CHOP SHOP! Paris Jackson Pulls a Miley! NEW HAIRCUT!

Okay now this is really getting stupid! Another female celebrity chops her hair! This time it is none other than…

12 years ago

PHOTO PROOF: TSA Hired To Screen Romney Events

TSA screeners pictured going through personal possessions at a recent Mitt Romney fundraising event…

12 years ago


Former President Bill Clinton has not submitted his Democratic National Convention speech to the Obama campaign for “vetting” yet, but…

12 years ago