Hillary Clinton


Usually pro-Trump rag, The New York Post, chose to post a series of fully uncovered photos of possible future first…

8 years ago

LISTEN: First The Email And Now Wikileaks Releases Tons Of DNC VOICEMAIL

Wikileaks released thousands of hacked email originating from servers at the DNC, and now, they have followed up with a…

8 years ago

Did Twitter Censor Wikileaks DNC Email Dump By Removing Trending Hashtag #DNCLeaks?

Twitter users were outraged over allegations the social media giant attempted to suppress news stories pertaining to Wikileaks exposing thousands of…

8 years ago

Mike Pence: Meet The Family! Photos and More Of Trump’s Pick For VP

Are you wondering who is Gov. Mike Pence's family and how they feel about his vice presidential candidacy? You've come to…

8 years ago

Who Is Mike Pence? And Is He Really Trump’s Pick For Vice President?

IndyStar is reporting that Gov. Mike Pence will in fact be Donald Trump's selection for vice president. A press conference…

8 years ago

Who Is Seth Rich? And Who REALLY Murdered Him?

Seth Rich, who worked for the Democratic National Committee, was found murdered early Sunday morning. Rich, 27, died while he…

8 years ago

Bill O’Reilly: Trump Using Terrorism To Bolster Popularity

Via HR: "He's using this terrorism issue to bolster his popularity," the 'The O’Reilly Factor' host told Stephen Colbert on…

8 years ago

Trump Comments On Orlando Massacre

Donald Trump said today on Twitter, he was "right on radical Islamic terrorism” on the heels of the worst mass shooting in American…

8 years ago

ISIS On Twitter Three Days Ago: We Will Attack Florida

Terror network, ISIS, announced “We Will Attack Florida” on social media - three days before the mass shooting at Pulse…

8 years ago

NY Post Endorses Donald Trump

The New York Post has officially endorsed Donald Trump. The popular periodical made their pick for president public and explained…

8 years ago