golden globes

‘O’ Really? Maybe Not… NBC Deletes “Oprah For President” Tweet

NBC left many conservative Twitter users scratching their heads after posting a tweet Sunday seemingly supporting Oprah Winfrey for president…

7 years ago

WAS SHE DRUNK? Jacqueline Bisset Bizarre Globes Acceptance Speech

Was Jacqueline Bisset high, a.k.a. drunk, when she accepted the trophy for Best Supporting Actress in a TV Movie or…

11 years ago

Michael J Fox To Son, ‘You’re a Piece Of Dirt If You Bring Home Taylor Swift’

Michael J. Fox may not want his son to date Taylor Swift, but is that any reason to call the…

12 years ago

Julianne Hough Rips Dress At Golden Globes After Party

Dancing star, Julianne Hough, did a jig, so incredibly fast and furious, she literally ripped her dress, right up both…

12 years ago