facial hair

Okay, So Are All Beards Really Full Of Poop?

Beards, you see them everywhere these days, but according to a new study those popular facial adornments are teaming with poop.…

10 years ago

Buck Naked Man In TESLA Practices Karate On PCH

For yet unknown reasons, a man stopped his Tesla motorcar in the middle of PCH in Malibu and danced (or…

11 years ago

Bruce Jenner Shaves Adam’s Apple

Bruce Jenner, 64, pictured leaving a plastic surgery clinic in Beverly Hills after undergoing surgery to 'flatten' his Adam's Apple. Bruce…

11 years ago

Drew Barrymore Says She Grew A Goatee During Pregnancy

I think I just threw up in your mouth a little.. Drew Barrymore admitted the gross fact that she grew…

12 years ago

New Turkish Craze! Mustache Implants!

Living and working around Hollywood, I've heard of a lot of things implanted... But a mustache? Men are flocking to Istanbul,…

12 years ago

Shia LaBeouf: Like My Big Beard?

Nope, it's not a mountain man, and nope, this is not a photo from the 70's. It's a photo of…

13 years ago