
Phoney Facebook Survey Touts Free Starbucks Lifetime Pass

Social media users are inundated with survey scams promising free or heavily discounted goods and services by everyone from Kohl's to Costco. But now a new…

9 years ago

Did CNN Change Skin Tone Of Oregon Shooter?

Did CNN photoshop the photo of the Oregon killer in an effort to change his skin tone? According to a popular…

9 years ago

Witness: TX Deputy Killed At Gas Station There For Rendezvous With Woman

It has been revealed in court documents that Darren GoForth, the Texas Deputy killed at a gas station, was not there to pump…

9 years ago

Mom “Invoices” Son On Facebook Goes Viral In The Process

Heidi Johnson says she thought only her friends and family would see it, when posting a letter to her son…

9 years ago

13 Mothers And Small Children Dead Or Missing In Utah Flash Flood

Six people are dead and another seven are missing after a freak flash flood washed away their vehicles in Hildale,…

9 years ago

Tasteless? Cheerleaders Slammed Over 9/11 Tribute Routine

A cheer squad is catching a barrage of hate over their September 9/11th tribute which went viral. The routine, which used…

9 years ago

Chicago Cop Praised After Buying Homeless Man Chipotle

A Chicago cop is getting big snaps an image surfaced on social media showing him buying a homeless man Chipotle.…

9 years ago

Cop Voids Speeding Ticket After Man Does This

Mississippi state trooper, Jason Ales voided a speeding ticket he had just issued after the man surprised him by asking if…

9 years ago

Jessica Alba Honest Brand Sued Over Toxic Ingredients

Jessica Alba's The Honest Company , or THC for short, is being sued by Jonathan Rubin, a guy who claims the honest Ingredients…

9 years ago

PEG! Sofia Vergara Serves Up Ed O’Neill A Serious Flashback

Somewhere Al Bundy, (aka Ed O'Neill,) is having a serious flashback, after his "Modern Family" costar, Sofia Vergara pulled a Peg Bundy on…

9 years ago