Documentary film

Forbes Publicly SHAMES Robert De Niro: You Are Harming Autistic Children And Their Familes!

Forbes is attempting to publicly shame acting legend, Robert De Niro in an effort to get him pull the pull on "Vaxxed,"…

9 years ago

YELP Accused Of MAFIA STYLE Tactics In New Film

Bada-bing, bada-boom! Pay up, or your company is doomed! Yelp is being accused of using mafia-style tactics in the forthcoming documentary, Billion Dollar Bully. Yelp is…

10 years ago

About Bruce Part 2: Kris Jenner Says She Never Saw It Coming [VIDEO]

Kris Jenner said on Part 2 of "About Bruce," that she not only knew nothing about Bruce's double life, and because…

10 years ago

Johnny Depp SLOPPY DRUNK At Hollywood Film Awards (VIDEO)

Johnny Depp is becoming a real-life Jack Sparrow, showing up painfully drunk at an appearance at the Hollywood Film Awards…

10 years ago

Like A Virgin Producer ”Madonna’s Bitter I Turned Her Down For Sex”

Meet Nile Rodgers, he claims that Madonna freaked out after he said “no thanks” to a Madonna proposition for sex.. Rodgers,…

12 years ago

Roseannearchy New Book Roseanne Barr Borders

New York, United States, – January 06, 2011. Roseanne Barr signs copies of her new book “Roseannearchy” at Borders Books…

14 years ago

Iceland Volcano Clouds Stop the Stars

Breitbart and Associated Press report: A volcanic cloud of ash hovering over Europe is causing quite a scene in Hollywood…

15 years ago

Drama Drama Drama Winehouse Cancels Coachella Gig

Sighting legal issues, Amy Winehouse is canceling her headlining concert at the Coachella festival on April 19th. One news source…

16 years ago